What We Believe
We’re a Reconciling Congregation
The congregation of St. Timothys United Methodist Church believes in celebrating God’s gifts. We do not all have the same gifts, nor do we all wish to be the same. We do, however, feel it is important to respect ALL brothers and sisters in Christ, and in doing so respect their individualities even though they may differ from our personal ideology. We feel that God is the only one who has the right to judge our fellow human beings.
We believe God calls us to
- be an open, loving, and caring congregation,
- proclaim Jesus’ love and justice to all;
- live out God’s unending love through the inclusiveness and welcoming of all persons, including those of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

We value
- Inclusiveness and diversity, which includes tolerance, compassion, civility, working for social justice, and regarding everyone as sacred and precious
- God-centered, inclusive worship
- Reaching out to and serving the community and world
- Nurturing fellowship
- Sharing God’s love
- Ministries to children and youth
- Faith study & discussion
- Openness — being a safe place for people and ideas
- Hospitality, which includes welcoming everyone
- Spirituality, spiritual formation, and prayer.
We are a member of the Reconciling Ministries Network
“Reconciling” is the term used by many in the United Methodist Church to describe their welcome and inclusion of LGBTQ+ persons into the full life of the church.
In 2007, St. Timothys became a member of the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN), a growing movement of United Methodist individuals, congregations, campus ministries, and other groups.
The Network is committed to intersectional justice across and beyond the United Methodist connection, working for the full participation of all LGBTQ+ people throughout the life and leadership of the Church.
Our Intentions
We feel that St. Timothys UMC is an open, loving, and caring congregation, ready to accept all who wish to celebrate and grow in God’s love. With this statement we will proclaim this unending love to the community, reaching out to all, even those who have not always been accepted in other places of worship. We intend this to not be an idle statement, but one that is actively lived out in our everyday lives. SPECIFICALLY In addition to fulfilling other commitments of our mission, the congregation of St. Timothys United Methodist Church will:
- Incorporate into our programs and policies – to the degree allowed by United Methodist discipline–inclusive language and practices that affirm our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.
- Make clear to the community at large that we welcome all persons, regardless of sexual orientation, as loved and loving members of our congregation.
- Educate ourselves about the lives and issues of gay and lesbian persons.
- Support the same guaranteed civil protections for homosexuals as for heterosexuals.
- Educate ourselves about our own gifts of loving sexuality.